Cities and businesses must reduce environmental impacts to protect Earth's resources. Innovation and urgent action are essential.
Funding is crucial in this effort to detect dangerous asteroids and predict their paths. In 2023, Nasa allocated US$90 ...
By protecting 0.7% of Earth's land, we can save one-third of endangered tetrapods species. The zones house unique species ...
Wary experts say "dystopian technologies" to cool Earth could backfire. Eager businesses aren't listening to the warnings.
Ever since the invention of the telescope, humans have looked to the planet Saturn in awe of its magnificent system of rings.
The 'de-extinction' company Colossal and the conservation group Re:wild found common ground in the potential of genetic ...
Mixing powerful songs and beautiful projected images, “The Year to Save the Earth” takes us from grieving to celebration and ...
The devastating magnitude-9.1 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and tsunami in December 2004 shook the planet for 18 days. And it’s ...
Learn about how people around the world are saving Planet Earth with this book for readers aged six and over, published as an illustrated case-bound title with shaped die-cut pages. YOU CAN Voyage ...
We Save the World is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 public charity that aims to unleash the fundraising superpowers of young people to save Mother Nature.
One service being cut? Daily room cleaning. Before the pandemic, environmentally conscious travelers were urged to say no to ...
Chimps have medically treated injuries of the wounded, ants have carried inebriated nest mates home to sleep it off — but selectively amputating limbs to save the life of another is distinctly a human ...