Fifteen years ago, the Obama administration and philanthropic foundations encouraged more Americans to get a college degree.
After the elimination of remedial classes, students passed more college courses. But the positive effect quickly faded, and ...
Finger counting, a topic of debate among preschool educators, sparks differing opinions. Some teachers view it as a sign that ...
Recently a reader sent an angry letter. The person didn’t include contact information, but since some of the views reflect what many people believe, I’m responding, as part of commenting ...
Washington will be forced to restrain spending on the largest and fastest-growing programs in the federal budget.
As recently as 2008, total federal debt held by the public was less than 40% of gross domestic product. Today, that ratio is just shy of 100%. If in ...
Dan Walters complained that California’s education leaders, through the purposely-confusing “Dashboard” system, are hiding colossal failures in our teaching of basic English, math and ...
Even though the state relaxed its grading curve this year, newly release state testing scores show a most Oklahoma students ...
Today’s article is about educational reform. It begins with a quote by former President Bush (the first), when he accepted his party’s nomination, in August of 1988.
For Dai, the possibility that AI might get a math problem wrong poses another learning opportunity. One way that he assesses ...
The Wyoming State Board of Education approved new blueprints for science assessments on Thursday that align with updated ...
As painful as it is, there’s always an opportunity to prioritize and really look at the effectiveness of everything we’ve ...