A voucher parent's question about where to find a flat earth curriculum sparks feisty debate among members of a voucher ...
Archaeologists in Israel uncovered a stone seal they believe to be around 2,700 years old from the First Temple period, a find that strengthens the biblical heritage of Jerusalem. The seal, discovered ...
The secrets of black holes and dark matter could lie before the Big Bang, a new study of "bouncing" cosmology hints. The Big Bang may not have been the beginning of the universe, according to a ...
It also rules out using spiritual arguments to convince people that Christianity is real. But when you look at the implications of cosmology, physics, and our genetic code, they provide compelling ...
Some of these monster galaxies were found to be as massive as our Milky Way when the universe was only about 3 per cent of its current age, a finding that shook the cosmology world. These findings ...
It could finally resolve a discrepancy between measurements of the accelerating expansion of the Universe that has deviled scientists for the better part of a century: the Hubble tension, sometimes ...