Des premières polémiques éclatent déjà après la publication de la liste des 38 noms de ministres proposés par Michel Barnier ...
台東蝸牛小米粽事件疑食物中毒釀3死案,衛生福利部次長林靜儀今天說明最新進度,定量檢驗結果出爐,檢出劇毒農藥托福松 ...
Craig Doyle poured salt over his dessert instead of sugar, but still made it through to the next stage of the BBC show.
The former Harrods owner, who died in 2023, has been compared to Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein.
(中央社台北20日電)總部位於美國加州聖荷西(San Jose)的網路設備巨頭 思科 (Cisco)近日開始在中國區裁員,預計300名員工將失業。這是思科稍早前宣布全球裁員7%的一部分。
2025年亞足聯U20亞洲盃資格賽將於9月21日至9月29日在 輔仁大學足球場 火熱展開,20日舉行賽前記者會,台灣男足由總教練黃正宗代表出席,全隊上下蓄勢待發,全力守護主場,爭取晉級門票。
《魷魚遊戲2》日前定檔將於12月26日上線,日前Netflix公開的影片中,有觀眾猜測新加入的朴圭瑛或曹柔其中極有一位可能是李政宰的女兒,長大後父女將一同挑戰魷魚遊戲,對此李政宰也回道:「你的想像力非常豐富,可以進到我們的劇本編劇組了。」 ...
Critics mocked Donald Trump’s latest claim as being full of cracks. On Thursday, the former president and current GOP nominee was thanking people attending his address to the Israeli American Council ...
Bob Inglis endorsed Kamala Harris and argued that Trump's loss in the 2024 election "would be a good thing" for Republicans.
Donald Trump said that “the Jewish people” would be partially to blame if he loses in November, escalating his persistent ...
A Chinese zoo has admitted that the pandas in their exhibits were, in fact, “painted dogs .” According to the New York Post, visitors at the Shanwei Zoo realized they were being bamboozled when the so ...
Vice President Kamala Harris told Oprah Winfrey Thursday that any intruder who breaks into her home is "getting shot" in what ...