According to the Media Center of the Manbij Military Council, a suicide drone of the "drone" type was shot down by fighters of the Manbij Military Council in the western countryside of the Manbij ...
The Roj News Agency reported a short while ago that the Turkish occupation army bombed the areas of Batufa, Sersink, and other locations in the Metina mountain in Amadiya, Duhok, S. Kurdistan. The ...
The Turkish occupation mercenaries, "The Military Police" attacked demonstrators in the occupied city of Afrin, who had gathered to oppose the policies of the Turkish occupation state and its ...
The HPG's media center issued a statement today regarding the operations conducted in the Zap region against the Turkish occupation army, stating: "Details of our forces' operations and the Turkish ...
September 20th marks the twenty-first anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Union Party (PYD). ANHA's agency highlights the factors, necessity, and the phase that preceded the establishment of ...
Media outlets in E. Kurdistan reported that Iranian authorities detained Kurdish journalist and member of the International Federation of Journalists, Fardin Mostafaei, from Saqqez. His fate remains ...
A local source from occupied Afrin reported that Turkish occupation mercenaries, " The Military Police" kidnapped six citizens from the city of Jindires in occupied Afrin. The abductees are Nabhan ...
Information received by Roj News Agency indicates that Turkish occupation planes have bombed the Qandil Mountains in Sulaymaniyah Governorate intensely since early this morning. The information also ...
Today, the borders of the Bradost region, located in Dohuk Governorate in S. Kurdistan, witnessed air and artillery bombardment by the Turkish occupation army on villages and residential areas, ...
The Syrian Homeland Party organized a dialogue seminar in the city of al-Hasakah to shed light on the challenges facing the democratic model in the region. It was attended by a group of academics, ...
Today, the Media Center of the SDF issued a statement revealing the dismantling of an ISIS mercenary cell in Raqqa Canton, that read: "On September 17, our SDF’s Military Operations Teams TOL ...
The residents of al-Ashrafiyah neighborhood point to the goal of the torture and genocide system practiced by the Turkish authorities against Leader Abdullah Ocalan, as well as the goal of the ...