In a major advance for canine cognitive research, Dr. Evan MacLean and his team at the Arizona Cognition Center, part of the ...
Judge Pauline Newman’s counsel at the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) has released the results of a medical report that ...
Challenge your brain with this timed picture puzzle IQ test. Find the missing number in 14 seconds to prove your IQ is above ...
A new study reveals that 12-18 months after hospitalization for COVID-19, patients show significant cognitive decline comparable to 20 years of aging.
Researchers from the UK conducted the first human challenge study of SARS-CoV-2, revealing long-lasting cognitive deficits in ...
Social hubs of mental stimulation may be more than just pleasant diversions – they could be unofficial cognitive health ...
In the U.K.'s largest study to date, researchers have come to a better understanding of the immediate and long-term impacts ...
Neuroscience research shows that your answer to this question can be an early warning sign that your brain isn't aging well.
The comment came a little more than an hour into the rally, after Trump discussed Biden's decline and the threat he perceived ...
Researchers are finding new ways to help people to detect Alzheimer’s in the early stages that makes life with the disease more livable.
The PCT study is used to identify or rule out the presence of dementia or cognitive impairment on a reliable objective basis. Perfusion CT scans are more reliable than subjective, non-medical ...
People with high intelligence tend to excel at visual puzzles like this because they can quickly differentiate between small ...