In a major advance for canine cognitive research, Dr. Evan MacLean and his team at the Arizona Cognition Center, part of the ...
A new study reveals that 12-18 months after hospitalization for COVID-19, patients show significant cognitive decline comparable to 20 years of aging.
Findings from a new study suggest that older people with mild cognitive impairment who engage in high levels of activities such as word games and hobbies have better memory, working memory, attention ...
At the Samezu Driver's License Center in Tokyo on a recent day, dozens of elderly individuals were lined up for the cognitive ...
Researchers from the UK conducted the first human challenge study of SARS-CoV-2, revealing long-lasting cognitive deficits in ...
The research examined survey responses over a decade from 32,000 adults aged 50 and older across 14 European countries. A new ...
The number of cases of dementia in the U.S. is rising as baby boomers age, raising questions for boomers themselves and also ...
New research finds following a particular diet, the MIND diet, could help you preserve brain function as you age.
Examples include, extended time, different test format ... or special education team. The questions are designed to help educators differentiate between students performing below grade level because ...
The pandemic not only changed teens emotionally, but physically. A new study shows their brains matured at an accelerated ...
Education and early detection of any dementia is important and may provide an opportunity to change the course of care, ...
All presidential candidates should take in-depth neurological tests before elections, or an age limit of 70 should be imposed ...