Animated by Science Saru and directed by Fuga Yamashiro from a script ... Aira uses her popularity to her advantage, acting ...
Heatherette, the label cofounded by Club Kid Richie Rich and Traver Rains, collaborated with Hello Kitty for several seasons, ...
Today the United States celebrates Intersex Awareness Day, re-affirming our commitment to promoting respect for the human rights of intersex persons around the world. We are dedicated to pursuing an ...
Watch an engaging conversation between ACS Central Science Editor-in-Chief Prof. Carolyn Bertozzi and C&EN Editor-in-Chief Nick Ishmael-Perkins, which took place at ACS Spring 2024, in New Orleans.
Pull requests help you collaborate on code with other people. As pull requests are created, they’ll appear here in a searchable and filterable list. To get started, you should create a pull request.
The WHO’s guidance recommends governments implement “interpretive” labels that include nutritional information and some explanation of what that means about the healthiness of a product.
Cute features in babies and animals are more than just amusing—they trigger powerful evolutionary responses that help our species’ survival. Moo Deng, the baby pygmy hippo that has become ...
In perhaps the most widely repeated story in all of science, Newton is said to have chanced upon the theory of gravity while contemplating under the shade of an apple tree. According to the legend ...
NASA announced two awards Thursday to establish scientific consortia – multi-institutional coalitions to conduct ground-based studies that help address the agency’s goals of maintaining a sustained ...
China hopes a giant laboratory 2,300 feet underground is key to beating the US at discovering the secrets of the universe’s most mysterious particles–neutrinos. Slated for completion next year ...