As Labour Party voter ratings collapse, you might of thought it would try to come up with a popular policy or two. Instead, ...
Ed Miliband has been urged to preserve a 140-tonne stockpile of radioactive plutonium instead of burying it as dangerous ...
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband and the Government are late to the zero carbon emissions party. At the latest auction of ...
PM Keir Starmer and chancellor Rachel Reeves are working flat out to destroy the economic feelgood factor. Ed Miliband will ...
Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband has vowed to “take on the blockers, the delayers, the obstructionists” to build clean energy ...
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband speaks at the Energy UK Conference in London. He spoke about the energy crisis and clean energy ...
The transition to renewable energy is the “economic justice, energy security and national security fight of our time”, Ed ...
Martin Lewis has urged Ed Miliband to overhaul the “perverse” smart meter rollout as an estimated four million broken devices ...
Ed Miliband today vowed to take on NIMBYs and build more wind turbines and solar farms across Britain. The Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary claimed boosting the country's supply of clean ...
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has been urged to rethink the “dire” smart meter rollout to shift targets from installations to repairing faulty meters. In a letter to Mr Miliband ...
Ed Miliband has been urged to focus on building smaller and lower-cost mini reactors over nuclear megaprojects like the £46bn ...