Build relationships with and among Historically Black Universities and Colleges (HBCUs) to further partnerships and provide ...
USRA has continued to advance computer science and information technology in support of a broad range of scientific and engineering application domains of relevance to NASA. Accomplishments this past ...
USRA works closely with NASA, universities and industry developing advanced aeronautical technology concepts. Helicopters often provide crucial access to tough, remote locations, and pilots currently ...
USRA scientists, in collaboration with scientists around the world, are contributing to our understanding of a wide array of current astrophysical problems, using nearly the full-range of the ...
USRA has expertise in managing major scientific facilities for benefit of the university and broad international research community, from major astronomical observatories owned by federal agencies to ...
Director of Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) Science and Mission Operations Dr. William Reach serves as Director of Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) ...
Dr. Padetha Tin is the Project Scientist for the Liquid Crystal Facility (LCF), a new experiment facility in development for the ISS. LCF is a multi-user facility that will enable a wide range of ...
Dr. Banavar Sridhar is a Senior Scientist, University Space Research Association (USRA) located in the NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. Earlier he served as the NASA Senior Scientist for ...
Dr. Baochau Nguyen is a Senior Scientist (USRA) working under GEAR contract at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) in Materials Chemistry & Physics Branch, Materials and Structures Division. She has more ...
Mr. Richard (Rick) Verbus is the Associate Director of Commercial Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) Destinations. Rick is leading USRA’s efforts to support establishment of a private sector driven LEO economy.
Dr. Farukhi currently serves as Director of Communications at Universities Space Research Association (USRA) where she leads communication strategies that help advance USRA’s efforts to catalyze broad ...